Sunday, March 21, 2010

It was one of those March days...

... when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens

We've been busy this Spring! Here's a quick rundown for my following friends & fam.

We've added to our family:

Sahara is officially ours! This dog is fantastic. She listens good, stays out of stuff, and she's sweet. A bit of a clinger, but that might just be a new-house phase. We love her already. :)

We've climbed our new tree. I love this tree. It's so neat looking.

Unfortunately it's a diseased tree and the top might have to go before it falls on the house. I flat-out refuse to make it a stump. Still works for climbing!

We visited a friend's house that's being built. Climbed a giant pile of dirt.

And a pile of rocks. The house is gorgeous so far! I love half-built houses, they smell so good. And I like to see what hides behind walls.

We went bowling for preschool. I was still dying from the P90X workout. Thankfully only the kids bowled, and I didn't have to embarrass myself sharing a ball with a 5 year old.

He beat Mom's average and looked good doin' it!

I used a bunch of scraps to make myself a new Spring messenger bag. I used all my favorite green and blue fabrics, with a touch of red-orange thrown in. Turned out perfect and the pattern is perfected!! I may have to make another of these to list on my quickly-emptying Etsy!

And least, but definitely not least... actually the best part of our week... we finally met baby Leni! Leni is world's sweetest, most beautiful baby girl, the daughter of my very best friend. David was so great with her. He even held her 3 times, covered her in kisses, and was a bit of a baby hog at times! He did not let me forget he wants a baby sister.

~~~More Soon!~~~

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